A natural physiological process is the separation of a small amount of the urethra in men. It is a type of lubricant produced by the glands concentrated on the head of the penis. Abundance, heterogeneous consistency and cloudy color are signs of pathological disorders in the urogenital system.

In men, changes in the color, consistency or quantity of the urethra indicate a disease of the genitourinary system.
Normal discharge in men
There is always a whitish or colorless liquid in the foreskin of the penis. With pressure, it can gradually come out of the urethra, sometimes spontaneously.
Table "Normal ejaculation criteria in men"
Type of discharge | Characteristic |
Smegma | Lube is produced by the preputial glands, has a sour cream consistency, and is white, sometimes yellow or green in color. The secret of oil and bacterial residues prevents the foreskin from rubbing against the head. Abundance depends on age - the largest amount of fluid in adolescence, and the smallest (practically absent) in old age |
Colorless discharge that looks like clear mucus (libido urethrorhoea) | Mucus is produced by the urethral and bulbourethral glands during erection. Their purpose is to lubricate the urethra for the unhindered passage of seminal fluid. The amount of secretion is usually small, but can increase depending on the lack of intercourse (the less often a man has intercourse, the more pre-ejaculatory secretion - sometimes it drips from the penis). Is it possible to get pregnant from such secretions? Practically not, because they contain very little sperm. However, repeated unprotected intercourse after ejaculation of seminal fluid can lead to conception |
Ejaculation (emission) that is not related to sexual intercourse | Spontaneous ejaculation occurs in the morning (the highest level of testosterone in the blood). There is a similar phenomenon during sleep. Infection is most common in adolescents, but it can also occur in adult men who do not have regular sex. |
Clear discharge from the urethra (prostorrhea) | The composition of secretions is sperm and prostate secretion. Liquid defecation comes out of the urethra with strong straining during coughing. Vitreous discharge from the penis also occurs after urination - a normal phenomenon |
Clouding of discharge or acquiring an uncharacteristic shade by them is the first symptom of pathologies of the genitourinary organs. Violations can be accompanied by a change in the color of urine, pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort in the genitals.
Causes of urethral discharge
Venereal pathogens, non-specific infections, malignant tumors, mechanical damage (injuries, operations) can cause atypical discharge from the penis. The nature of discharge from the penis depends on the specific pathology in the genitourinary system.
Inflammatory processes
Inflammatory foci can occur as a result of a violation of the microflora of the genitals, opportunistic organisms - Staphylococcus aureus, Candida fungus, Escherichia coli. A small amount of such bacteria is always present in the mucous membrane of the foreskin, and with a decrease in immunity (taking antibiotics for a long time, mental exhaustion or hypothermia of the body), they begin to develop actively, causing serious diseases.
- black ink. This pathology is characterized by curd white discharge with white granules resembling curd. Cannabis is rich with an unpleasant sour smell. During ejaculation or urination, a man feels a burning sensation in the penis, pain and pain in the groin.
- Inflammatory lesion of the foreskindistinguish purulent jelly-like secretions with a putrid smell. At the same time, severe redness and pain appear in the head.
- Urethral gardnerellosis. The nature of the secreted fluid is scanty, has the smell of rotten fish, and is green or yellow in color.
- Prostatitis. The secreted liquid becomes cloudy, visible at the end of urine. In the acute course of the disease, the pathological secret from the penis is abundant, but in the chronic period, it is less. In addition to atypical discharge, the man has difficulty urinating and pain in the groin.

Non-specific inflammations are not sexually transmitted. The source of their formation is the imbalance of the urogenital flora.
Non-inflammatory pathologies
Pathological discharge can be caused not only by genitals, but also by chronic diseases or injuries of the spine, nervous system, constant stress.
- Haematorrhea- the condition is characterized by bloody discharge without clotting. Usually, the cause can be mechanical damage (trauma, catheter placement, smear on flora). In this case, the released blood stops quickly and without clotting. In the case of small stones, there is mucus with bloody threads from the urethra after or during the emptying of the bladder.
- Spermatorrhea- involuntary leakage of sperm outside of intercourse or masturbation. The reason for the whitish discharge is the weakening of the tone of the seminiferous tubules, a violation of their innervation.
- Oncological neoplasms in the organs of the genitourinary system. The brown discharge contains blood clots, has a slimy consistency, purulent inclusions and an appropriate odor.

Problems in the contractile function of the smooth muscles of the bladder, with a benign tumor of the prostate, the discharge is white or transparent, liquid and abundant, but odorless.
venereal infections
The first sign of sexually transmitted diseases is abnormal discharge from the penis. Their nature depends on the specific pathogen:
- As a result of exacerbation of mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis or chlamydia, colorless or whitish foamy mucus containing pus appears. A lot of plaque on the head of the penis, especially when affected by chlamydia.
- A small amount of clear and sticky fluid is a sign of chronic chlamydial infection, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis.
- Green or yellow mucus with a strong foul odor is a sign of gonorrhea. In this case, discharge is sticky and abundant, with a thick consistency. The disease causes great discomfort - the genitals hurt, itch and burn, especially when urinating.
It is important!
With neglect of the disease, the amount, color and smell of discharge from the penis can change. Infections are often combined (gonorrhea and trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis), which aggravates the patient's condition. With unnatural fluid from the penis, you should immediately contact a specialist.
Which doctor should I see?
A non-specific secret from the urethra, difficult emptying of the bladder, pain in the groin are signs that should be taken to the hospital immediately. A urologist deals with diseases of the genitourinary system. After examining the patient and evaluating his complaints, the doctor can schedule consultations with other highly qualified specialists:
- venereologist (if you suspect sexual infections);
- oncologist (if there are characteristic signs of the tumor process).

A complete laboratory and instrumental examination is required to make a final diagnosis.
The initial stage of a comprehensive examination is a comprehensive examination by a urologist:
- Visual assessment of the condition of the genitals - penis, foreskin, perineum. The purpose of the examination is to determine the presence of injuries, deformations, seals, inflammation and skin rashes.
- Palpation in the groin area. The condition of the lymph nodes is assessed, their size, density, skin color.
- Prostate examination. The procedure is performed by inserting a finger into the anus. The goal is to identify seals in the prostate gland and take biological material for analysis.
- Collection of secretions from the urinary tract for planting for flora and microscopy - allows to determine the source of the disease and understand the degree of the inflammatory process.

After that, the patient should undergo a clinical blood test, if necessary, a detailed biochemistry. Hardware diagnostics are also mandatory:
- Ultrasound of kidneys, prostate and bladder;
- CT scan;
- urography.
It is important!
If malignant tumors in the urogenital system are suspected, a biopsy is prescribed to a man and a complete histological examination of the biological material is performed.
Treatment of pathological secretions
Heterogeneous discharge from the urethra of an unnatural color is only a symptom of the disease. You need to treat the pathology that causes changes in the secret from the penis. Depending on the type of negative processes in the genitourinary system, doctors use several drug groups:
- Antifungal drugs. They are used for candidal lesions.
- Antibiotics from the group of cephalosporins - used for gonorrhea, bacterial urethritis.
- Long-acting drugs.
- Anti-inflammatory antibiotics.
In addition to drugs, the patient is given vitamin complexes, as well as immunostimulating drugs.
It is important to follow preventive measures to avoid the negative consequences of urogenital pathologies.
- Observe hygiene. It is important to wash the head of the penis thoroughly and push back the foreskin to prevent the growth of bacteria.
- Watch intimate life. Eliminate immorality, always protect yourself.
- Empty the bladder in time to avoid overstretching.
- Avoid stress, emotional overwork.
- Optimize physical activity - do not exhaust the body with hard work or excessive exercise.

It is necessary to eat properly, eliminate bad habits and avoid hypothermia.
Normal discharge in men is a moderate amount of clear or white. The appearance of an unpleasant smell, pus or blood impurities, a curdled, sticky or watery change in the consistency of the vitreous are signs of pathological abnormalities in the organs of the genitourinary system. You should contact a urologist to determine the causes of this condition. After a comprehensive examination, doctors prescribe appropriate treatment.