Problems with erectile function outweigh many men in adulthood. If you get enough essential nutrients and vitamins, you can cope with a bad booster.
What vitamins should be consumed for men to improve potency? According to doctors, the patient should consume enough vitamins E, A, C, D, B to increase sexual potency.
Other foods also help restore a powerful booster. Thus, men who want to increase their potential and libido should consume enough zinc, selenium and magnesium.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A (retinol) is involved in redox processes, is responsible for the synthesis of proteins and is involved in many metabolic processes. Vitamin A is essential for the normal functioning of the immune system.
With enough retinol, an erection worsens, immunity decreases, and the likelihood of skin diseases increases. In addition, an element deficiency is fraught with diseases of the prostate gland.
It is enough for a person to consume 1000 IU of vitamin A to restore strength. This element is as follows:
- Oily fish. Vitamin A is rich in salmon, mackerel and spices.
- Red caviar.
- Beef liver.
- Whole milk.
- Butter.
- Curd. All vitamin A is found in cottage cheese with a maximum fat content of no more than 5%.
- Egg yolk.
- Xama.
- Cheese.
It is important! In diseases of the genitourinary, cardiovascular and nervous systems, the daily dose of retinol increases to 10, 000 IU.
Vitamin E

Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) is very important for men. Responsible for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, vitamin E is important for tissue regeneration, is useful in the treatment of prostatitis, relieves seizures, prevents heart attack and anemia.
Insufficient intake of vitamin E increases the likelihood of developing vascular impotence, congestive prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia and other pathologies of the genitourinary system. The daily intake of vitamin E is 10 IU.
List of Tocopherol Acetate Source Products:
- Whole milk.
- Beef and chicken liver.
- Soybean oil, olive oil and pumpkin oil.
- Fresh peas.
- Beef.
- Rabbit meat.
- Alma.
- Whole wheat bread.
It is important! Vitamin E deficiency is fraught not only with weakness, but also with diseases such as muscular dystrophy, infertility, anemia, thrombocytopenia and hypertension.
B group vitamins

When considering male vitamins in terms of potential, B vitamins should not be overlooked, as they are extremely necessary for strong sex. Vitamins B6, B9, B12, B3, B5 are needed to protect men's health.
They are responsible for many processes in the body. Vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and urogenital systems. The elements are responsible for energy metabolism, increase resistance to stress and prevent the development of diabetes.
You need to consume enough B vitamins to restore your potential. The dose of each vitamin is determined separately. It is impossible to say that the dosage is accurate.
Where are these things? The following foods are rich in B vitamins:
- Pasta.
- White bread.
- Walnuts, pistachios, peanuts.
- Pumpkin seeds.
- Green leafy vegetables.
- Liver (chicken and beef).
- Grain sprouts.
- Chicken eggs.
- Rye bread.
It is important! This malnutrition is fraught with impotence, muscular dystrophy, loss of appetite, increased fatigue and sleep disorders.
Vitamins D and C.

Group D vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of many life-supporting systems of the body. Foods are needed to stabilize lipid metabolism, the immune system and the normal functioning of the genitourinary system.
In addition, vitamin D prevents the excretion of excess calcium from the body, prevents groin hernias and musculoskeletal system pathologies. The daily dose is 400 IU.
Sources of vitamin D:
- Horsetail.
- Parsley.
- Egg yolk.
- Butter.
- Cheese.
- Fish oil.
- Dairy products.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) plays an important role in regulating redox processes. Needed for normal functioning of the genitourinary, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Strengthens blood vessel walls, prevents thrombosis and has anti-inflammatory effect.
Vitamin C is important for maintaining an erection because it is involved in many life processes. The best food sources are eggplant, citrus fruits, plums, tomato juice, turnips, radishes, cucumbers and carrots. Also rich in ascorbic acid are raspberries, melons, pomegranates, cherries, dried rose hips, kumis, horseradish, potatoes.
It is important! With a deficiency of vitamins D and C, it will not be possible to maintain a strong booster. Hypovitaminosis is fraught not only with impotence, but also with CVS and many diseases of the central nervous system.
What minerals do men need?

To increase your potential, you need to use not only vitamins, but also certain minerals. So, without exception, all men need to get enough zinc.
Zinc is an important trace element. Activates many biochemical reactions responsible for the synthesis of male androgens and potency.
With enough zinc intake, you can lower blood pressure, increase strength endurance and prevent cardiovascular disease. Zinc is directly responsible for the synthesis of testosterone. The quality of sperm and enhancer will depend on the level of this sex hormone.
It is optimal to consume 15 mg of zinc per day. The best sources of this macronutrient are pine nuts, beef, peanuts, processed cheese, duck and turkey. Oatmeal, buckwheat, barley.
In addition to zinc, you need:
- Selenium. It has the ability to stimulate the formation of antibodies, is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, is involved in the synthesis of testosterone and is responsible for sperm quality. Optimally use 70-100 mcg of selenium per day. Nutrients can be obtained from chicken liver, rice, eggs, walnuts, cabbage, peanuts, peas.
- Magnesium. Responsible for the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, controls metabolic processes. Magnesium is also needed for the normal functioning of the prostate gland. The daily dose is 400 mg. Contains seeds, beans, wheat bran, spinach & dates
It is important! Adequate intake of zinc, selenium and magnesium is the key to a stable erection.
Vitamin complexes for men
Pharmacies have many multivitamin complexes that will be very useful for men. Such preparations contain a daily dose of all essential vitamins and minerals.
Taking multivitamin complexes is useful both in the treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction. The specific drug is selected by the attending physician based on the man's weight, age and other individual characteristics.
Multivitamin complexes have a positive effect on the male body. However, you should consult your doctor before using any medication, as each medication has contraindications.
We also note that multivitamin complexes are not as effective as synthetic booster tablets. Vitamins generally have a general strengthening effect.